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the beginning

My first blog post was on June 1, 2010. We had just put a 1960's rambler under contract and were about to embark on a major remodel. I signed up for a free Blogger web address ( and chose a simple theme. I wanted to post my ideas for the new house and get feedback from friends and family. It also seemed like a great platform to organize my ideas as well (this is before Pinterest). I couldn't decide what to call my blog. I didn't want it to be my name. The street where I lived wasn't easy to say, or cool. I didn't have a "Green Notebook" but I did like the idea of using a color in the name. My classic go-to colors in decorating are white and gold. (They remind me of my Grandma, who is a design icon of mine) and White + Gold Design, the blog, was born.

We finished the remodel. I had my second child. My husband was flipping homes with investors and needed help. And I needed to get out of the house once in a while and wanted money to pay the babysitter. And that is how I got started. I had learned through my remodel that I was actually good at this, a quick learner, and had the opportunity to keep learning by choosing the finishes and layouts of these investor flips. And then I was hired by my first non-investor client and was able​ to do furnishings as well. Ever since I have continued to learn, grow, and develop my skill as an interior designer.

And this new blog address, new design, and new post is the beginning of the next level in my business. There are going to be a lot of changes this year, and I think this new blog is going to be a great step in the right direction. If you want to see my old Blogger life, or miss my old site, visit it at

Welcome to the beginning. Hope you will join me!

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